Does anyone knows how to do an inset face as we do in Cinema4d or 3d studio max?
can you be more specific what you are trying to do? or explain that a bit different? i am using c4d either but i never heard of inset… maybe i never used it. do you maybe mean inner extrude or bevel?
ok. Lets say you have a cube. then you select one of the faces. now you want to extrude the face but you want the the extrude to be smaller the original face you have. basically looks like you are building another prism on top of that face
that would be inner extrude or bevel in c4d if i am not mistaken. afaik rhino has no dedicated command for this, but extruding a face and shrinking it to size should do the same. if you subselect a face and use the gumball you see little dots on each axis, pull them into the direction you need and shrink the face with the square handles on the gumball axis holding shift, does that bring you anywhere there?
Thank you … It worked…
regards YUri
gumball Scale, LMB+Shift+Ctrl or LMB+Ctrl