Hello everyone!
In rhino 7 I always had trouble printing raster layouts with alpha background, furthermore when I chose the png format in the print panel every time I had to reprint the same file in png, rhino didn’t remember my choice and I had to reselect it manually all the times, I would love to see these features improved!
Hi Riccardo -
I can only agree. We’ve had these on the list for a while now…
RH-10758 Transparent background
RH-38875 Save the print settings
Note that the work-around for the transparency issue is using the ViewCaptureToFile
nice to know, is there any change this will be taken into consideration as a possible upgrade for rhino 8?
my work around is printing in vector pdf and convert it with a photoediting app.
Hi -
I’m still somewhat hopeful that the long-planned move to the eto version of the print dialog (the export to PDF dialog, that has some of these issue already fixed) will take place during Rhino 8’s lifetime but this project was recently pushed from “Rhino 8 UI Freeze” to “Future”… - RH-69548 SDK: RhinoCommon - Hardware devices
That’s a pity :(, thanks for the info!
One more vote here for preserving printer dpi at least for the session.
I just finished 120 PDFs where each doc required me to type in 300 dpi .
With around 250 docs to go, typing it in for every doc really is more than tedious.
If V8 had this, I would spend the $$$ to upgrade today.
Thanks for listening.