i am not sure if it is too early yet to report this, but would like to report some findings and issues which happened while attempting to import a *.rui file saved in Rhino 7 (Windows) into Rhino 8 WIP (Windows):
From _Options i’ve clicked the Plus icon under ToolBars / Linked files
I’ve selected the *.rui file which contains a ToolBarGroup and 3 Tabs
So far, this seems to open the ToolBarGroup and 3 tabs are visible however:
Many of the icons are blank/missing (i’m using the default size of 24x24px)
The ToolBarGroup cannot be docked
The height of the ToolBarGroup cannot be sized smaller than 2 rows (i need 1)
Using “Size to content” from the dropdown seems to size to 3 rows (i need 1)
Tab order is correct, but cannot be changed by user
Editing button Command text does not seem to be possible yet
The buttons in my *.rui have icons for all sizes (16x16, 24x24 and 32x32). I’ve been informed by a user of my ToolBar that he sees only 50% of the icons while i see most of them, only 2-3 are missing. He is using 32x32 (in Rhino 7) while i use 24x24 (in Rhino 7). Does Rhino 8 somehow read/apply the icon sizes used in Rhino 7 on the first install as defaults which could explain the difference ?
btw. strange thing is, if a (LMB) button icon is missing and i click on Edit, the image preview in the “Left mouse button” section shows the icon properly beside the “Macro:” text. If i click “OK” in the in the Button Editor, the icon remains empty.
I’m trying to reproduce your issues but I couldn’t, I was able to get my toolbars imported and docked.
can you verify if your windows DPI scaling set to %100?
that helped a bit. Once i unchecked “Lock Docked Containers” i can dock the ToolBarGroup (eg. at the bottom over the statusbar) and manually resize the height. It seems that this also is the reason why tab order was not changeable on the floating or docked ToolBarGroup. It is now changeable. Fun thing happens when i undock the ToolBarGroup, now my text in the toolbar tabs seems to be right aligned. I have had enabled “Lock Docked Containers” since everytime i reopened Rhino 8 WIP, it did not preserve my toolbar layout. eg. The main tools on the left seems to reset always to 3 columns instead of 2.
btw. (DPI) Scaling and Alignment is set to 100% for this System, i have 2 identical screens 1920x1200px if that matters.
The biggest issue for now are the missing icon images and that i cannot scale the ToolBarGroup to single row height when it is undocked…
Hi I also had a question about opening up toolbars from a usb drive. Normally in Rhino 7 I use my toolbars from a portable usb drive. This way I can switch back and forth from a laptop to desktop. I can work from a new computer by opening toolbar- Open and find my rui files from my usb drive. Is this possible with Rhino 8?