For many years I’m using customized toolbars in Rhino with great pleasure. Today my customized .rui (Toolbar nieuw fris_tb) failed to open via the Rhino options because no groups can be selected in it. Strange because the size of the customized toolbar file itself is 6,67 Mb.
Can you help me restoring it? I can send a screenshot if you like.
I’m not sure what that means. Are you getting an error message when opening the .rui file? Does the toolbar load but behaves somehow different than it used to? Do you typically remove it and load it again when needed or did something happen that made it disappear? Is this Rhino 4, 5, 6, 7, 8?
Are you getting an error message when opening the .rui file? No
Does the toolbar load but behaves somehow different than it used to? It does not load at all
Do you typically remove it and load it again when needed or did something happen that made it disappear? Typically the toolbar opens automatically with opening Rhino
Is this Rhino 4, 5, 6, 7, 8? 5
In the Rhino options> select toolbars to support, I can select the toolbar I have stored there but no groups appear and therefor I can’t open the toolbar file. Like if the toolbar file is empty.
When I select the properties of that file in Rhino program map, it is 6,67 Mb large
If it’s not loaded can you load it by going to File>Open (still in the toolbar layout window) and browsing to your file? not anymore, until today, yes.
If it is loaded - if you don’t see any toolbars, can you go down the list in the lower right hand window and check them to have them appear? This morning I could see the customized file underneath the default toolbar. Then only the v-ray buttons were visible in the right bottom window.
Lastly, if none of the above works - did you by any chance make a backup copy of your custom toolbar file somewhere? I have a file named:Toolbar nieuw fris_tb.rui.rui_bak
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So your custom file does not show up in the upper right hand window? If that’s the case, it’s not loaded, you need to browse to it and load it.
OK, thx. I can select the toolbar file. Then I’m asked to select groups to import from the window below that doesn’t contain any groups anymore. Consequently the toolbar can’t be imported.
When I want to import the default toolbar, many groups appear in the lower window.
First, to clarify - Open and Import do different things.
Open (from the toolbar window File menu) opens the whole file - all groups (toolbars) are then available but not necessarily open (visible). To open them (i.e. make them visible on-screen) you just need to check the box next to the toolbar name. (if you have two screens, they might appear on the other screen from Rhino).
Import imports individual toolbars from a given .rui file that you browse to, it does not open the file itself. If the .rui file is already open in Rhino and you try to import a toolbar from that same file, it does nothing - because you already have everything in it.
I use one screen. The default toolbar I can import and I see groups with a box left of them, which I can select to make them appear on my screen.
When I want to import my customized toolbar, no groups or boxes appear, an empty window. Nothing can be selected and thus the toolbar can’t be imported.