Import geometry issues

Hi, my old script on Shapediver stopped working. I had to upload dwg, and export dwg after the script is executed. Now i upload dwg, it appears in the SD viewport, but computation does not happen. I am using attributes from dwg file in the script, layer attribute to be precise. When i internalize geometry of the input the script is working. My guess is Import geometry component was changed. I updated to the latest import geometry component, but it does not help. The main problem - script works on my pc, when i specify file using local path. But it does not work when i upload the same file to the site. And it used to work before.

internalized geometry: (271.3 KB)

The main script: (252.8 KB)

The dwg file i upload:
test n.dwg (260.8 KB)

By default in your definition, the “Compute?” toggle is off. If I try locally or on ShapeDiver with this toggle off, there is nothing to be exported. However, if I enable it, the Export works on my side, also on ShapeDiver. Could you confirm if that solves your issue? If not, could you explain precisely the steps you are taking and what happens on ShapeDiver when you try to export the file?

No, it does not fix the issue:)
Computed algorithm looks like this in the viewport and dwg file:

But in my case it just exports AND shows in the viewport only the initial geometry, not the computed results:


When I turn Compute? to True locally, I also get the only the input curves, and not the computed results. Your definition likely contains unsafe operations which result in different results depending on Rhino/Grasshopper versions or configurations.

A quick look at your definition makes me think that the part where you offset and flip curves might be the issue: you should not assume the direction of offsetted curves in general. If at some points you join or split geometry, the same type of issues might be happening (split a curve and assume in which order the parts are returned by the component for example).

This type of issues is difficult to debug unfortunately. The best approach is to isolate parts of the definition and compare the results you get from the results other Grasshopper instances (for example the ShapeDiver servers) give you.

As a side note: I just upgraded my local Rhino 8 instance to SR11 and now I get the expected results. Everything I mentioned above is still likely true for your case, but it might be that upgrading the ShapeDiver servers to SR11 does the trick, albeit not in a stable way. We will do this upgrade somewhen later this month.

It works with internalized geometry. So i guess the problem is in the import geometry node. I will wait till the update, thank you for the quick response!