Shapediver not worked after some weeks. can´t upload new file

Shapediver works for a certain time (approx. 2-3 weeks), after which the configuration constantly displays error messages. Re-uploading the Grasshopper file does not work. The last time it suddenly worked after contacting the guys at Shapediver. Now we have the same problem again. Everything worked fine before. An error in the Grashopper can be ruled out.
Is there a solution to this problem?

this is the path to the embedded version

normaly all worked if you make changes, since yesterday evening parts disaper if you make changes.

@Koehler_Sebastian it seems this problem is caused by an instability in the Import Geometry component of the ShapeDiver plugin, due to a bug in Rhino 7. Is it correct that your model uses this component? If so, is there a possibility for you to avoid using the Import Geometry component until this bug has been fixed?

Thank you for your quick answer. I need the import geometrie for the Layout and for import of the basins. Or did you have an idea to import geometrie without using the import-component?

How many different files are you using?

import basins: 16 files but just one of them were used depending on the type which is choosen
import Layout: 1 file

import price-list as JSON: 1 file
Import color RGB-Code as JSON: 1 file
Import JSON with links for basins: 1 file

the workaround for import the basins is this:

-choose basin as parameter
-GH is looking in the JSON file for the correct link
-“import geometry - component” get the link from JSON file and import basin

How big is the geometry in the “basins” files? As a workaround, is it reasonable to internalize the geometry in the Grasshopper model?

16x 400KB = 6,4MB

how can i internalize them in GH?

Ok that should be a solution.

Create a “Geometry” floating parameter, right click, “Internalise data”

I do it this way and it worked well. Thanks for your help

Ok, many thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. We are hunting this problem since a while, but need help from the McNeel guys.
Related forum thread: Rhino.RhinoDoc.Import not running headless
cc @stevebaer