Import/Export Speckle Component WIP - not showing up in Karamba 3.1.41125

Hi all, I am curious if anyone else has this issue. In Karamba3D 3.1.41125, I do not see the Import/Export to Speckle components.

I have Speckle for GH 2.20.6.
I have the “Show WIP Components” on for Karamba.

When I open the example file from: Karamba Speckle example, the package manager asks if I want to install Karamba3D 3.1.40918, which is a version from september because of the Import/Export component. I assume that the component should appear in the latest version as well, but maybe not…

Anyone else having a similar issue? Thanks!

PS Rhino 8 SR13

Hi Dragos,

do you have Speckle for GH installed?

Hi Mat,

Yes, I have Speckle for GH 2.20.6.

Hi Dragos,
do you get Karamba3D related error messages in the Rhino command line when starting Grasshopper?
– Clemens

Hi @cp1 , I do not.

When I turn on WIP components I do get them (e.g. Non-linear Analysis WIP and Mesh Brep WIP). But the Speckle export/import does not appear.

Hi, i think there is the component missing from the package manager. Can you please uninstall the package manager version and try the installer: Release Karamba3D 3.1.41125 · karamba3d/K3D_NightlyBuilds · GitHub


Thanks Matt!! I might try that, I might wait for the next release. If I get the time, I will report back if using installer has fixed it. Thanks!


I had the same issue and can confirm that the Package Manager versions do not include the Speckle WIP components for 3.1.41125 and 3.1.40918.

Using the installer resolved the problem :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for reporting @Joosep_Viik!
I hadn’t yet reinstalled to check.

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