Something wrong with my Karamba3D in Rhino8 or Rhino7

Dear Everyone,

I have encounterd something serious problem with Karamba3D in the lasted versions of Rhino7 or Rhino8 in my PC.

  1. When I only install Karamba3D 3.1.50121.0 in Rhino7 or 8, and open GH the message will be :

    Later, when I drag out the License (karamba3D) componet, it will be:

    More, after I get the cloud license with “Karamba3DGetLicense”, the license is still “trial”.

  2. When I also installed Evolute Tools Pro, more serious problems come!

    I have renamed all the “libiomp5md.dll” as “libiomp5md.dll.backup” and installed “w_dpcpp_cpp_runtime_p_2025.0.0.1166.exe” and “w_ifort_runtime_p_2025.0.0.1166.exe” from the Intel Redistributable Libraries websited, just as “‘libiomp5md.dll' in EvoluteTools cause Rhino to crash - #2 by Kristjan_Nielsen” said, but nothing changed:(