I obtained an Open Brep through brep join and cap holes

tree.gh (29.0 KB)
All operations can be seen in the GH file. This model, when baked into Rhino, can be converted into a closed polysurface by exploding and joining, but it cannot be used by Fluent. I think this does not fundamentally solve the problem. Why does an open Brep appear in Grasshopper?

What is this?

It’s because you have many moments like these (green lines in the pic), where the supposedly solids share single edges. This condition doesn’t exist in the real world and cannot be considered a closed solid.

Check out the basic differences between manifold vs non-manifold geometry. All good solids need to be manifold.

To solve this, you could consider slightly scaling up each rectangle in XY plane so that the solids have proper intersections. The attached file returns a closed brep.

tree_XY.gh (33.0 KB)

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An software about wind simulation

Oh god, thank you so much, Xuan. This has helped me enhance my knowledge in this area.

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