Hello, I am currently trying to model a 3D figure 8 loop and realized that it is actually not as simple as I thought it would be…lol. Anyways I tried free handing it (see attached photos) however my version is unevenly sloped and isn’t uniform through the whole band. Is there a better approach to modeling this figure or is this a job to be done in grasshopper? I’d love some pointers as I’m also pretty new to Grasshopper but I’d love to learn. I’m also attaching my rhino file for better inspection. Cheers!
That’s amazing! I wonder what else you would need to add to the script so that the loop geometry doesn’t clip through itself at the intersections, but lay on itself flat?
smoother, since the Z values are spread over the entire figure eight instead of only half of it
I addressed the “clipping” at the middle, where top and bottom cross, by re-shaping the Graph Mapper to increase the “easing” at both ends. Other ways get more complex.
This part is not 100% there - I can test an idea for it, though: since this object is getting meshed and SubD’d before it’s a solid closed brep, I should be able to ‘flatten’ the overlapping face for this matter.