How to Join many curves in rhino or Grasshopper

Hello i have about 8000 curves (form finding using kangaroo and wooly threads) my problem is that because there are a lot of curves i can not use pipe, is there a way to join them all into 1 curve? i used join curves and got 13 curves but i still can not use pipe, because it creates a mess, is there a trick to that?


Hi Emiliano -

Without your gh or 3dm file, there’s really no way of knowing…

Hello, sorry for not uploading it, i thought it would just be a command or component. Here it is. Thanks. (2.1 MB)

Hi Emiliano -

Curves can only be joined to other curves at their end points. In your case, curves are ending somewhere on other curves but not at their end points. Those cannot be joined any further.

It looks like there are 10382 curves that you manage to reduce to 13 curves by joining. This creates 13 curves with an excessive point-count. Try to simplify those curves to get any downstream processes to work better.

You can use the Show component to pass geometry through the solver and Entwine component with unflatten after the Kangaroo solver output to rebuild the data tree… (2.1 MB)