When I import a background bitmap or use PictureFrame in Rhino v4 the image becomes degraded. (see example) How can I get the best possible background bitmap display?
When I import a background bitmap or use PictureFrame in Rhino v4 the image becomes degraded. (see example) How can I get the best possible background bitmap display?
This will seem counter intuitive, but resample the image to make it smaller. I suspect your image is so excessively large, you are overrunning Rhino’s tools to manage it cleanly.
What is the pixel width and height of your image?
Thanks John
I’ve tried 2500 X 1750, 2000 X 1400 and 1500 X 1050. I’ve scaled each of these many different sizes within Rhino v4. None of my experiments appear in Rhino a crisp as the original.
What is the optimum image size and file type to get the sharpest background bitmap or PictureFrame within Rhino v4?
I think here you might find the answer: http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/displayfaq
rhino:displayfaq [McNeel Wiki] is no longer available. How can I find it again? Thanks
http://wiki.mcneel.com/bitmap_display (the main page being http://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faq “Display Problems”).
My guess is, the problems you are experiencing are related to OpenGL limitations or your display adapter capacity.