I have history permanently enabled, but I don’t know how to change the radius of a fillet after creation, since that’s a parameter you enter in the command line when you create the surface in the first place.
Searching led me to this, but this is a very old video, and I don’t know if this panel exists anymore:
I know Rhino isn’t parametric, but Alias isn’t either, an it has something called “query edit”, which enables you to basically bring back the command which created a surface with history, and change the parameters.
I was hoping Rhino had something similar, especially for fillets, since that would probably be something people want to change quite often.
In Rhino 6 you can modify FilletEdge to some extent, within a session. But better workflow is to always save a copy of the unfilleted parts. That being said, if you do happen to have a model where you want to change fillets, you can always get the job done with surface modeling tools (ExtendSrf, Filletsrf)
This is an excellent function. Thanks for sharing. I’m doing a course from udemy. While it is brilliant in explaining the functions, there are not much help in adjusting the part.