There seems to be enough information available in the glass model to rebuild the headlights:
1.1. Start by using Revolve on these curves,
with the centreline as the axis and selecting the Full Circle option,
to give a complete rim.
1.2. Use the Radius command to find the radii of the front and rear glass curves and use the Centre Osnap to drop a point at their centre.
1.3. Create a Sphere centred on the point and with the radius previously measured for each of the lines. Rotate the spheres about their centres so their seams are on the opposite side to the lamp being built. Then use the new rim to Trim the spheres so that you are left with just the new font and back faces of the glass.
If you are going to 3d print a small model then consider whether the lettering and pimples will be to small to show up - if so, stop here and Join your three parts together to create a solid light unit.
2.1 If you do want to add the pimples, use the Centre Osnap again to mark the centres of these two curves, to establish an axis.
2.2 Then extend this curve with a line to its centre and another parallel to the axis and long enough to pass well through the lamp.
2.3 And then Revolve the curve around the axis to make an extended pimple. Copy this to each of the other pimple locations.
2.4 At each location, use the front face of the lamp to Trim off the excess pimple, then use the pimple to Trim a hole in the front face of the lamp.
If you don’t want to include the text, you can stop here and Join all your surfaces together.
3.1 If you do want to model the text, use DupEdge to make curves from the edges of the front face of each existing letter.
3.2 For the lettering at the centre of the lens, with the new curves all selected, use SetPt to change their Y coordinate to zero. This will flatten the curves onto the xz plane.
3.3 Select each curve in turn and see where there are a lot of control points close together. Where that happens, Shatter the curve and Rebuild those high-density sub-curves using a point count of 5 and a degree of 3 for preference or a count of 7 and a degree of 5 if you have a curve bending in more than one direction.
3.4 When all the curves are simplified, Join the sub-curves together again.
3.5 Select all the curves and extrude them through the lens and well out the other side. Use the outer face of the lens to Trim the excess extrusion inside the lens. Use the extrusions to Trim the outer face, removing the portions that fall inside the letters. Be careful with A and O where you need to leave the island in the middle of the letter.
3.6 Create another sphere, on the same centre point as before, with a radius 0.05 greater than the radius of the outer face. Rotate it around its centre so the seam is behind the lens. Use this sphere to trim the excess lettering extrusion outside the lens. Then use what is left of the extrusions (make sure you select all of them together, including the inner walls of A and O) to trim the sphere, this time removing the portions that are outside the letters and the islands in A and O.
3.7 All the surfaces can now be joined together.
The lettering at the top of the lamp can be handled in the same way, except that the lettering is at an angle, so a Cplane will need to be set perpendicular to a surface normal positioned on the lens front face in the middle of the lettering. I’ll leave that task as an exercise…
I’m attaching an update to the glass file which includes the remodelled lamp. You will see that I have started by splitting your curves and surfaces onto different layers, then gone on to create further layers for different purposes. It makes life a lot easier if you keep construction lines separate from surfaces. It’s also easier to set colours by layer rather than by object and you can work more quickly. I would commend this approach to you.
glass 001.3dm (13.7 MB)