How can I improve my Rhino 5 performance

Where can I find the tips aiming the best performance for my computer config? Rhino 5 setup, new drivers, NVIDIA setup?

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB - 4095.0 MB

Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
NumberOfCores: 4 NumberOfLogicalProcessors: 8
MaxClockSpeed: 4.0 GHz

TotalPhysicalMemory: 32.0 GB

Microsoft Windows 10 Home

  • None - 64 bits

Rhino 5 sr 14 64 bit

Holomark 2 v2,2,03 TEST

Total Score: 51630
Total Runtime: 143.82 sec

GPU scores: 33690
GPU_01 - 1250.00 fps - Cube 4 tests
GPU_02 - 54.30 fps - UDT Shape
GPU_03 - 112.40 fps - Wireframe
GPU_04 - 73.50 fps - Shaded
GPU_05 - 46.70 fps - Rendered
GPU_06 - 42.70 fps - Block Rendered
GPU_07 - 23 units Nurbs @ 5 fps in Wireframe
GPU_08 - 16 units Nurbs @ 5 fps in Shaded
GPU_09 - 46 units Nurbs @ 5 fps in RenderSpeed
GPU_10 - 138.90 fps - RenderMesh Render
GPU_11 - 149.30 fps - RenderMesh RenderSpeed
GPU_12 - 192.30 fps - JoinedMesh Render
GPU_13 - 120.50 fps - JoinedMesh RenderSpeed
GPU_14 - 6 units mesh @ 15 fps in Shaded
GPU_15 - 10 units mesh @ 15 fps in Render
GPU_16 - 16 units mesh @ 15 fps in RenderSpeed
GPU_17 - 128.20 fps - mesh in Rendered Studio
GPU_18 - 15.90 fps - Nurbs in Rendered Studio
GPU_19 - 34.60 fps - Block Illustration
GPU_20 - 85.50 fps - 2D single
GPU_21 - 10.20 fps - 2D massive (20x)

CPU scores: 17940
CPU_01 - 7.64 sec - Booleans and Contours
CPU_02 - 1.37 sec - Twist and Taper (UDT)
CPU_03 - 3.23 sec - Meshing Mini
CPU_04 - 0.02 sec - Extract Render Mesh
CPU_05 - 0.05 sec - Join Render Mesh
CPU_06 - 11.27 sec - Reduce Mesh
CPU_07 - 1.64 sec - Calculating Technical display
CPU_08 - 2.65 sec - Making Silhouettes

Nvidia site:
" OpenGL Driver Support

OpenGL 4.6 is the latest version of the Khronos OpenGL royalty-free open standard 3D graphics API, released on July 31st, 2017. On that day NVIDIA provided beta display drivers with full OpenGL 4.6 support. OpenGL 4.6 and GLSL 4.60 are now supported by all the latest NVIDIA general release display drivers which can be downloaded from or updated using GeForce Experience."

Hi @renato_cosenza,

Have you taken a look at Rhino 6?

– Dale

Hi @dale

Yes, but I can’t buy the license now. Just for the end of this year, probably.

I found that disabling vsync in the driver helped quite a bit for v6 - perhaps it helps with v5 too. Also updating to latest driver version might help.

Where do you find that setting? I’ve found v6 under performs v5 with my set up.

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Thanks Nathan.

Lots of settings… :sweat_smile:

Why would that help to speed things up in Rhino ? Just curious…

Nvidia driver updated;
Settings changed as indicated here (and others by myself);
New Holomark2 run:

before -> after changes
Total Score: 51630 -> 52857
Total Runtime: 143.82 -> 149.67 sec
GPU scores: 33690 -> 33730
CPU scores: 17940 -> 19127

On my machine the VSync turned on acts like a throttle, sometimes giving the feeling of frame drop, stuttering. Turning it off allows Rhino to draw as many frames per second as it can.

Interesting. I had it on Application Controlled, switched to Off… but don’t see any difference. It is pretty smooth both ways :wink:

The clearest difference I see with _TestMaxSpeed. Fresh Rhino with a 10x10x10 box.

With VSync on:

Command: _TestMaxSpeed
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 1.66 seconds. (60.39 FPS)

With Vsync off:

Command: _TestMaxSpeed
Time to regen viewport 100 times = 0.08 seconds. (1265.82 FPS)

Of course 60FPS is still silky smooth :slight_smile:


what settings did you test this way?

I really tested only the VSync setting, because that was the most logical setting to change considering the FPS yielded from _TestMaxSpeed was always around 60, indicating VSync.

Feel free to play with other driver settings. I think users will be interested in learning more about experiences with tweaking those from other users.