Hi all! I’m trying to flow an ornamental object onto this corner (see pic). So far, whenever I run the flow command, the object gets distorted and stretched right at the corner area.
I’m hoping to preserve the form of the object and achieve something as close as possible to what is seen in the picture attached to this thread. Any advice would be very helpful! Not sure if using “roadlike” or “local” would be a solution. Not familiar with those sub-options within the flow command. Feel free to play around with the .3dm file.
Also ignore my sloppy Sub-D Still learning… Ornament Flow.3dm (2.9 MB)
I guess the first thing is to clarify your intent: do you want to do something similar to the photo or do you want a flowed pattern? Because, if you consider the photo, the decoration doesn’t flow, it has been carefully designed to lie flat on each of the surfaces, effectively with mitred corners (behind rotated acanthus scrolls on the outer corners). Further, the decoration is scaled so that the patterns meet pleasingly in both internal and external angles.
Thanks for the reply! I’m hoping to achieve something as accurate as possible to the picture. I see what you are saying- the pattern lays flat on each surface rather than being flowed. The flow command is what came to mind first for modeling that transition around the corner. Do you have another suggestion on how to approach this?
I would probably start by creating a grid to work out what size elements would fit well with the different lengths of wall - this would encompass two alternating sizes because I’d go on to create the circular element and acanthus as separate parts.
Then I’d convert them to NURBS so that I could array them into my grid and, after tweaking their positions (if necessary) I would boolean union them. It might be necessary to add some infill to complete the corners nicely.
I’d like to be able to suggest how you could create the repetitive elements nicely in SubD alone, but I haven’t got far enough into it to do so with any competency. Maybe @theoutside will have some tips?
I’ll give that a shot. The grid is a good idea. That will allow me to perfect the proportions of elements before working with them further. I think infill at the corners will be necessary. Regarding that, would it probably just be best to Boolean Union the infill in-between the NURBS objects? Or maybe I could explore using blend surface to create a cleaner transition at the corner?
you need to have enough geometry in the corner to bend.
if you want a soft bend you will need three edges that correspond exactly with the corner (so exactly in the center of your model) If you want a hard edge, you will need 1 edge, that is creased.
flow with history on, so you can adjust the original to affect the result.