I’ve attached two images for reference. I’m trying to get the grouping of colored objects to continue to flow along the spiral wrapping around the twisted cone shape. I’ve tried different Array commands, as well as Flow Along Surface, all with no success. Still working in Rhino 5 Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.
Hello- Please post your file, or send to tech@mcneel.com with a link back to this topic in your comments.
I tried to post the Rhino file here, but it was bigger than 20MB. I sent it to the tech email you provided. Thanks for the reply!
Hi @kojakolantern ,
You could use Flow if you lay out the flat pattern first like this…
With your pattern object flat, use the Length command and get the length of your target curve on the surface. Then draw a line at the same length under your pattern object, this will be your base curve. Use ArrayCrv to pattern your object along the line. Lastly, use Flow with the Rigid option (if you don’t want deformation along the target crv) and after selecting the target curve you can also pick a target surface for the objects to be normal to as they flow.
I hope that helps.
cute, i like it
This sounds great! I’ll give it a try today. Many thanks Brian!
I followed your instructions, but ended up with this. I didn’t see an option to select a target surface, so I imagine that is the problem?
Hi @kojakolantern ,
Yes, that is the missing bit… looks like that option was added to Flow a couple years ago (RH-56566) and isn’t in Rhino 5 which I see you’re using now. If your Mac can run Rhino 7, you could use the 90 day evaluation for this.