Help us Help you, Before you call or email tech support

Hi all-
I wanted to outline the best process for getting tech support help in the most effective manner and the best way to help us help you.

1. My rhino is broken, and I need help asap!!
Contact or hit the chat on or call (206) 545-7000 8-5 pst.

BUT… please have the following info Before you contact us:

  1. your systeminfo from v6 or v7. (run the systeminfo command in rhino) If you are using the chat, do this 1st and paste the info in the chat dialog. This saves us 3-4 back and forth questions and often shows exactly what is wrong…
  2. Are you running any plugins, custom display modes or unusual peripherals? If so list them
  3. Have you updated your video card drivers? If not, do so.
  4. If you are running a hybrid laptop, have you updated BOTH your intel and standalone video card drivers? If so, have you tried disabling your intel to force your machine to use the Standalone card?
  5. have you tried searching the forums for you problem?

I don’t know how to do something in rhino and I need help learning…

Come to the forum… search for your issue, if you can’t find it post your “how do I” question in the appropriate section of the forum. Tech is for broken stuff, forum is for how do I stuff.

BUT…don’t forget to:
post a screen shot, video, file, definition, material etc… with your question so we can all see what exactly you are trying to get done.

And overall,
Remember to be nice…we are nice, our users are nice, and we all just want to help each other and get our job done.

Happy rhinoing!