Help on convert texture image to 3D metal grid

Hello Rhino world.

I wonder if some one could help me on this topic.
I have a texture that i need to make/convert/build into a 3D Metal Grid (tubular section or similar). Which is the best method for it or is there any plugin or external app that i can use?

I made a test with a simple Planar surface, add that texture (inverse alpha) inside Vray Opacy to get transparency. The problem with this method is that i can not achieve desire depth like 3D Polysurfaces. The final image is to flat for my taste.

Below is an Old render image i made with real 3D Polysurfaces (Rhino file became to heavy for work)

Below is the recent render image made with a Planar Surface with a Alpha texture for transparency.

Thankful for any help please.
Atached texture file below:

Thankful for any help please.

How about adding a bump or displacemnet texture to suggest the 3D nature of the texture?


Thanks for your reply.
I am on Bump testing right today. Results are not the best.