Mac Version 7 (7.27.23013.15002, 2023-01-13)
In the last weeks I experienced several Gumball Alignments (Align to Object) where the orientation confuses me. Have there bin any changes ? Do I expect to much ? Is it a bug ? Some updates I don t like ?
Picking a single point of a planar Curve - I get this Alignment:
I thought the Alignment was much more like this in earlier version ?
which is somehow related to nearby tangent / normal / curve Frame.
And - if I relocate the Gumball by cmd + gumball-rotate - the entire curve is colored as selected …
Picking corresponding Edit Point - the Alignment looks like I expect:
thanks for having a look at this
kind regards -tom
curve_gumball_alignment.3dm (2.9 MB)