WISH/BUG Gumball not respecting OBJECT alignment

Hi Folks, @Joshua_Kennedy ,
I noticed that the gumball Sub-Object selection isn’t respecting the face alignement when set to Object.

As you see on this image:

I’m using the CNTRL+SHIFT sub-obj selection on a (almost) Flat face and the gumball isn’t following the face main direction but the Cplane.

20241122_Gumball_bug.3dm (3.0 MB)

I’m expecting the gumball to follow the tangent/normal direction of the crv.
On double curvature it could be on the selected point or the average?


I have this issue open to improve the object mode orientation. If I’m understanding correctly when you select an edge curve you want the gumball Z axis to point out along the faces normal. I’ll add a note. I know the default gumball object orientations leave a lot to be desired.

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Yes the ideal position when selecting a LINEAR edge is to have the Gumball oriented with the X axis on the U and the Z to normal.


Great, and for nonlinear edges?

:person_shrugging: dunno. :rofl: