I’ve been driving myself crazy trying to determine why this keeps happening:
When I maximize a viewport Rhino screen goes black in three sections. When I then enter that maximized viewport the image fills the maximum viewport but the cursor location is off and the display and center of rotation etc. are offset.
I have a Nvidia Geforce GTX 1070 and have tried Several versions of the graphics driver including the current one. I’ve uninstalled Geforce experience and just installed the driver. I’ve disabled Shadowplay and terminated its windows process.
What’s maddening is I can get Rhino to work properly and then if I restart the computer it goes wacky again.
There does not seem to be any rhyme or reason for it…other than it’s obviously a graphics driver issue.
Anyone have any suggestions to try or way to verify the root cause of the issue.
I’ve installed Rhino 6 Beta and a similar issue happens with Rhino 6 although the display issues are different
Thanks for anyone who can help or at least console me.
I’m a new Rhino User so keep that in mind as you gracefully guide me to the wisdom.
Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: NA
Driver Version: NA
Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
Total Video Memory: 8 GB
the graphics problems are similar the viewports don’t go black but they get wacky like it’s scaling up the small viewport to fit the screen and not just increasing the resolution.
As I understand it, Rhino 6 (as opposed to RH5) is supposed to find that information. The N/A results seem to indicate that something is wrong with the driver installation. Do you delete the drivers, reboot, install new drivers, reboot?
Yes, I’ve been trying many ways to get a clean graphics driver install.
I worked with a tech support person at Nvidia and they had me use a display driver uninstall application, that also removes the registry information so that when you do a clean install it does not have lingering infor from previous installations
NVIDIA System Information report created on: 01/24/2018 00:05:11
System name: R5VR_PC_01
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit
DirectX version: 12.0
GPU processor: GeForce GTX 1070
Driver version: 390.65
Direct3D API version: 12
Direct3D feature level: 12_1
CUDA Cores: 1920
Core clock: 1632 MHz
Memory data rate: 8008 MHz
Memory interface: 256-bit
Memory bandwidth: 256.26 GB/s
Total available graphics memory: 24538 MB
Dedicated video memory: 8192 MB GDDR5
System video memory: 0 MB
Shared system memory: 16346 MB
Video BIOS version:
IRQ: Not used
Bus: PCI Express x16 Gen3
Device Id: 10DE 1B81 85991043
Part Number: G411 0020
nvui.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvxdplcy.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvxdbat.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvxdapix.dll NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
NVCPL.DLL NVIDIA User Experience Driver Component
nvCplUIR.dll 8.1.940.0 NVIDIA Control Panel
nvCplUI.exe 8.1.940.0 NVIDIA Control Panel
nvWSSR.dll NVIDIA Workstation Server
nvWSS.dll NVIDIA Workstation Server
nvViTvSR.dll NVIDIA Video Server
nvViTvS.dll NVIDIA Video Server
nvLicensingS.dll NVIDIA Licensing Server
NVSTVIEW.EXE NVIDIA 3D Vision Photo Viewer
NVSTTEST.EXE NVIDIA 3D Vision Test Application
nvDispSR.dll NVIDIA Display Server
NVMCTRAY.DLL NVIDIA Media Center Library
nvDispS.dll NVIDIA Display Server
PhysX 09.17.0524 NVIDIA PhysX
nvGameSR.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server
nvGameS.dll NVIDIA 3D Settings Server
I did disable the Visual Arq plugin I don’t need that I was just testing it out. So maybe I’ll just see If this current state of “working” sticks for a while.
So something is definitely happening with the Nvidia drivers and Geforce Experience and Shadowplay or In-GAME overlay.
When the PC is restarted some settings must be getting overwritten and these settings are affecting Rhino.
See the video link above for the weird viewport behavior while turning on and off the GeForce experience In-Game overlay.
Either on or Off Rhino does not behave properly but changing the setting for in-game overlay does alter the viewport apperance so it’s part of the problem at least.