Getting started with Nexorades, Reciprocal, Zollinger and others


It might be useful for someone who wants to start studying reciprocal patterns.

I have added a set of examples files to NGon 2.2 that I have been learning from.
I hope it will be in some use or least to play with.

Some of the components also outputs adjacency information so that you will be able to set up Kangaroo2 simulation to reduce eccentricities following discussion here
Reciprocal - #21 by Petras1 (14.6 KB)

The primary focus of that, was an application in round sections,

but there are examples in rectangular sections as well


Most of the examples follow the standard rhino mesh graph data-structure or polygonal grouping (NGons) following
the translation:

or rotation logic

or rotation + tiling method

Behind some of the methods I use basic graph traversing algorithms such as breath-first-search to iterate the mesh faces of the tessellated NURBS that are subdivided into meshes.

The example is here (1.2 MB)

The plugin is here 2.2



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Astounding! To a degree your latest version even seems to be macOS compatible, at least to a certain degree. Thanks for sharing this.

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Hi Petras,

I was directed to this chat from a question I posted earlier today: Zollinger Roof structure

I am trying to create a zollinger timber structure on a barrel surface and it seems like this is possible using the NGon plugin. I have attempted to use the plugin but I am a bit lost, are you able to send a script for this please?

Best regards,

Hi @mistryr427,

Regarding the forum:
if you dont reply directly below a post, maybe a person will miss you reply.In this case with the @ symbol you can vinculate a person to asure he sees you response.

Regarding you question:
Did you check the example files Petras provides with the plug-in?

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Can you upload geometry?

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Hi Petras,

Thank you for the quick response.

Zollinger_Lamella_Structure.3dm (117.1 KB) (13.2 KB)

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Ok thank you.

I should compile C# code to normal components, for now replace NGonsCore.dll to the one found on your libraries folder: (35.9 KB)


Just opened it up and it all works, thank you!



I’m working on a project using bamboo to build Zollinger structures, so this would be incredibly useful to me! However, when I try to download the example file, I get error messages about missing assembly components:


Could you let me know what I can do to fix this?

Thank you!

Give directory to this file on your pc:

Can you make a tutorial step by step? for me the gh files aren`t working, using mac ios.

I’m working on Reciprocal Structure so started working on ngon example. But I opened on 9_ZollingerAndNexoradesStudies. There are some problems I can’t solve, If you know what is causing this issue, or how I can fix it, I would be very grateful!

Please, replace the old nexorade component with the current one. (25.9 KB)

It all works, thank you!

Hi @Petras_Vestartas @Petras1 Ive loved working along the ngon plug-in, I wanted to ask about moving a reciprocal frame model to manufacture to create a list of parts for assembly and any recommendations to do so. Have also had any experience with karamba 3d or can you recommend a structural analysis plug-in/software to analyse the model, I have attempted using oaysis gsa but the complexity of my shape (enepper surface) is proving difficult. Really appreciate the work you’ve done here.


For fabrication of timber joinery I am developing compas_wood. It depends what kind of structure you are tackling. From my experience, I would first try to make a few physical tests of fabrication e.g. 5-9 elements. Everything drawn manually in Rhino (no grasshopper, code and etc), and only if it works and does what you need go towards full automation (coding or using 3rd party libraries, plugins). This structural conceptual step is necessary to be creative and do not be stuck in coding. For structural analysis, I would first try to find a person who has a proper engineering background and would like to collaborate with you. These systems also work with certain curvature, so start from simple examples first. Also bracing with panels or cables are often needed because beams tend to rotate even if you fix them with screws or dowels.

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Hi @Petras_Vestartas Thanks for all the development! NGon is very inspiring.
I’m modeling Zollinger structures, and I saw your reply above about the C# code, so I tried it, works like a charm. I want to ask if you have compiled the C# code to some NGon component? Thanks again for all the works and efforts!