Freelance Project: Generate and Apply Attached Voronoi Pattern onto a Given Surface

Looking for someone to generate the attached Voronoi pattern and seamlessly apply it onto a given surface. The grasshopper and rhinoceros source file will be needed. The resulting surface needs to be able to export as an STEP file.

Budget: $200USD

Something like this

It is not too hard to do. But the hard job will be to have smooth edge
vase.stp (1.5 MB)
With 1 mm fillets done in Rhino

vase_filleted.stp (4.6 MB)


Hi Laurent,

Thanks for your proactive response!

Unfortunately, there were several people who responded even quicker and seems to be up to the task as well.

I would love to keep in contact with you though. Would you happen to have a link to some of your sample work?

Keep up the spirit,

No problem I am not freelance. I do that just for fun and free. But now I keep the most serious work just for me.
See Delrieulaurent on instagram




Hello I sent you a mail with all your requirements. It is a humble request to please reply back to our email.

Hi, I’ve just replied to your email. Thanks for your assertiveness.