Still with open wounds from Rhino5 being discovered as 1:10 model space dimensions and causing all my projects dims to become microscopic when V5 files opened into Rhino V7., and me staying with V5
I create my first file from new in Rhino 8, I add a text block item and text height by default is 0.125 inch, I place the text and its massive at 1.25inch tall on page.
eh what ?
I look in the text block creation floating palette as I create another and it says model space scale 1:10.000
You don’t mention which template you start with…
I suppose it’s a valid question why both “Small Objects - Inches.3dm” and “Large Objects - Inches.3dm” have the model scale set to 10. Perhaps a user of imperial units might be able to answer this…
When you start a new file from the default “Small Objects - Millimeters.3dm” template and look at the annotation styles, the active style is the “Millimeter Small” style:
Text height is set at 2.5 and model space scale is 1.
I’d argue that 2.5 is a bit too small - but I’ve started using reading glasses… Younger people might find that just fine.
The “Millimeter Large” style has a text height of 3.5, and model space scale 1.
When I think “small object”, I tend to think table size, but that’s because I have a background in heavy industry where the assemblies we produced were the size of a house and bigger.
So, for me, a “Millimeter Large” annotation in model space will be too small without scaling it up. 3.5 mm on paper drawings is fine, though.
All that to say that it all depends on what you are drawing in Rhino. There is no way that we will get all, or even a majority, of users to agree on one setting here. Just use a template that gets close, modify the things you need modifying, and save that as your default template.