Is model space scale 1to10 in dimensions meaning model is 1to10?

V5 from the outset had dims saying model space scale 1:10
I took this for granted. Years of work with dims with those settings.
However opening these works of art in V7 saw dims go microscopic. so stayed with V5.

In V8 I fear the same.

However I also now wonder were the models at 1:10 scale ?

Was everything I was making at 1 : 10 scale ?

If I chose units inches, and made the grid 12 squares faint and evey 12th line dark. Thats a 1ft grid with sub divs inches, so if I draw a 1ft wide object fitting the 12 small squares, (from dark line across to next dark line) surely that is a 1:1 object.
If I then draw a dim to it and it says 12 inches. all ok so far.

If I then take that into V7 I get minute dims. but its still 1:1 scale, am I right ?

If I send it to someone with Fusion360 it arrives 1:1 scale ? am I right ?

Please explain.

THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. and to make sure these dims open readable in V8, what do I need to do please ?
then I might be able to use V8 on existing work.



Hi Steve -

As I’ve told you a zillion times so far, everything with annotation is different after Rhino 5. Rhino 8 is no exception, and we won’t ever go back to the way things were in Rhino 5.

What does that even mean??

When you draw something, the units that you use are the units that are used.
Whatever you drew in Rhino 5, or Rhino 1, or Rhino 8, it’s always 1:1.

It’s the annotations that are different…

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so all work is at 1:1 scale. if dims were set at 1:10 then they are as such, and will open 10x as small in V8 and V7.

so as asked,
THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION. and to make sure these dims open readable in V8, what do I need to do please ?


If you are asking about opening Rhino 5 files in later versions, I’m not going there once more Steve - I’ve answered that one many times before. If you need to update an old Rhino 5 project, do that in Rhino 5. Do new work in new versions.

To whom may wish to help,

basically go through all the dims, make model scale 1:1 alter the attributes 10X what they are,
save as suffix 1to1scale dims.
Open into V8, all is good.
make sure that dim is in V8 as 1:1 scale.
not sure if opening the file does that but I’ll find out !

I wonder if Grasshopper can easily convert my dims from 1:10 to 1:1 and 10x all the bits that need 10x,

No doubt someone might answer that. as I so want to move on to V8.
Itching to get into realistic scene making.
