…and yeah what the heck, but what’s more aggravating is the new FilletSrf dialog. The fact the slider needs 4 buttons under it to set the range shows that it’s just a lame gimmick. The range of possible radii is literally infinite, sliders make no sense! And I have to DOUBLE-CLICK on the useless slider to not use it and just enter a value?!? No. Just no.
And the little red “Error!” that appears when you set the radius too big looks like an afterthought from last century.
Hi Jim- the thing lets you do two things - neither is required: you can set a radius and finish the command just as before -
if the radius does not fit, the command does not simply fail, you can enter a more useful radius or monkey with the slider
If you are setting the radius by eye, you can set a ballpark radius initially and then tune the actual fillet so it looks like you want either by tying or slideing.
(and of course the non-round versions but I do not think that is what is irking you at the moment)
What is this new sorcery you speak of. Sounds like a parametric interface
I might prefer that, if Rhino learns how to actually blend fillets to adjacent geometry automatically.
Monkey slider blend technology hmmm interesting Sand paper and polish would be sweet too.