FilletSrf dialog

So I just checked out

…and yeah what the heck, but what’s more aggravating is the new FilletSrf dialog. The fact the slider needs 4 buttons under it to set the range shows that it’s just a lame gimmick. The range of possible radii is literally infinite, sliders make no sense! And I have to DOUBLE-CLICK on the useless slider to not use it and just enter a value?!? No. Just no.

And the little red “Error!” that appears when you set the radius too big looks like an afterthought from last century.

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Hi All.

Quick question.
What command brings this analysis dialog? Thank you.

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Hi Jim,

You can still type a radius at any time, there is no need to double click the slider. The range enables you to finetune it around that typed value.

Beside that, there is still the commandline version that works the same as current FilletSrf

is going to be replaced with a different message.

It’s available as a plugin on _Packagemanager, look for GlobalEdgeContinuity (enable prereleases)


Hi Jim- the thing lets you do two things - neither is required: you can set a radius and finish the command just as before -

  1. if the radius does not fit, the command does not simply fail, you can enter a more useful radius or monkey with the slider

  2. If you are setting the radius by eye, you can set a ballpark radius initially and then tune the actual fillet so it looks like you want either by tying or slideing.

(and of course the non-round versions but I do not think that is what is irking you at the moment)


What is this new sorcery you speak of. Sounds like a parametric interface :thinking:
I might prefer that, if Rhino learns how to actually blend fillets to adjacent geometry automatically.

Monkey slider blend technology hmmm interesting :thinking: Sand paper and polish would be sweet too.