Rhino 8 feature: Surface Fillets

I would not count on the script working in Rhino 8. It seems that they have made Rhino 8 no longer able to correctly make rolling ball fillets. Here is a simple example where a 1 mm fillet falls short of making all the way across the cyan surface.
short_fillet.3dm (61.6 KB)

That’s a show stopper.

Also in Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 there are serious problems with the boundary definitions of joined fillet strings. The edges of the fillets are no longer a string of curves with a single end points at each node. This means that every vertex in every polysurface has multiple end snap points. This seems like they have designed it for making trimming and joining surfaces into valid BREPS as difficult as possible. It is no wonder Rhino users are plagued by tiny microedges that won’t join and tiny no area surfaces in their models.

Is the plan to make Rhino just for visualization purposes? If the user wants accurate and correct geometry will the user need some other application to do that?