I am an almost unexperienced user of rhino.
My problem is, for the item attached i can not round the sharp outer edges by using “filletedge”.
Not even if the radius is set to a minimum. (it should be at 0.5mm)
It is possible, but those very pointy ends and the facets need a little special treatment: Change the rail type to distance between rails instead of rolling ball. This lets Rhino solve the very steep fillets.
it seems that it almost succeeds but does not create that little corner right at the edge here which does also not look very pretty with Normands suggestion. but you can do as he said then explode and use NetworkSrf with curvature on C and A and tangency on B.
That’s because filletedge is a very weak command. If McNeel spent just 10% of the time they have wasted on trying to improve filletEdge to automate the FilletSrf command doing stuff like this would be quick and easy and accurate. FilletSrf will get the job done but it requires an enormous amount of unnecessary user input.
The enclosed file shows one way to speed up the process using filletSrf. I made the vertical extrusion as one surface using the “SplitAtTangents=No” option in the Extrude command. . Then you can quickly make the 4 fillet loops with FilletSrf. If you use the “trim” option in FilletSrf all you have to is join everything after making the fillets filletingx.3dm (656.3 KB)
it is but not only in rhino. and i am sure you also have better things to do then playing this broken record over and over again. its getting so boring that i seriously believe that those who frequently visit the discourse have read your rantings about this issue more than 20 times already. when i search for the term fillet with your name i get 50 posts sure not all are full rants but hey i think you made your point clear a millennium ago.
That is an indication that there are lots of people who are having trouble with their attempts to make fillets in Rhino.
Many Rhino users want to be able to make rolling ball fillets in Rhino and do it easily and I don’t see very much help being offered to these users.
Your post tells me that I have not made my point clear at all.
If I had actually managed to make my point then you would be griping at McNeel and not at me.
Rhino could have much better filleting with very little development effort. If I actually ever do succeed in making that point clear Rhino will have powerful filleting capability within a few months or even weeks.
Until users start asking for the changes I’m asking for, you are going to see another 20 years go by with no improvement to Rhino’s filleting capabilities.
i am not sure what you have against rhino but once again as i said before rhino is not the only cad tool which has difficulties with filets. the only point you make clear is how repetitive a message can become. you can write it in another 50 posts but it will not become clearer, you are just flaming further which has absolutely no sense.
and by the way you are the one who is preaching how bad booeleans are trying to convince everybody into making it manual and how one has to learn that. so why even complaining about an automated tool at all? make it manual and be happy.
You have it backwards. It is you that has something against Rhino. You are falsely claiming Rhino has difficulty making fillets.
Rhino can make rolling ball fillets as well or better that any other CAD program. I have never seen a rolling ball fillet that another Cad program makes that Rhino can’t make and Rhino often makes them cleaner and more accurately.
It is the Rhino users that have difficulties accessing that tremendously good filleting capability. And that could change very easily if McNeel wanted to spend some development time making that tremendous capability more accessible to the users. .
You have totally misunderstood my point and got it 100% backwards, That makes it seem I haven’t explained it thoroughly enough.
Rhino has excellent filleting capability, but in order to access that excellent capability the user has to proceed with an enormous number of difficult and mostly unnecessary steps.
if you are so happy with the fillets from rhino then why do you complain and give suggestive opinions about how they should spend their invested time? i can understand that you prefer Fillet Surface but this rant has been going a while thats all i want to point out.
then this whole discussion would be obsolete if i would claim that.
OK OK , everyone’s a winner, trophies all around. Chill. Yes fillets are getting better and do and will continue to need work. Understood. Thanks…It keeps us off the street.
I guess I need to keep explaining it again and again
I am happy with the fillets Rhino produces using the FilletSrf command. What I am displeased about is that it would be very easy to make this command that works well more accessible to the user, but sadly that is not going to happen.
McNeel will continue to waste time trying to improve filletEdge unless users demand a change.
McNeel keeps telling us that fillets are getting better in Rhino, but I see zero evidence of that. As far as I can tell the development of fillets in Rhino has been close to a complete waste of time. I just opened Rhino version 1. Rhino1 was able to make the fillets that started this thread with filletedge in a flash. It looks to me that the current version of filletEdge is not even as good as it was 20 years ago.
I say its time to stop wasting time working on filletedge command and start making the FilletSrf command that works well more accessible to Rhino users.
you can repeat it as often as you want, its just very boring because i have read it again and again and most likely i am not the only one. there is nothing new coming in your constant rantings. and since i keep repeating myself either it has become more like a ping pong game.
saying you are happy with the fillets but never stopping to complain is contradicting
You probably failed to notice that I showed the original poster how to arrive at a good rolling ball fillet solution while everyone else is saying that’s not possible in Rhino
I suspect the real source of your negative attitude is that you have no appreciation for the tremendous value of being able to create true rolling ball fillets as transition surfaces. Good rolling ball fillets are extremely robust surfaces. True fillets generally have much better tangent continuity and that’s important if you want to build complex models with overlapping features and overlapping transition surfaces between features. If you try to build complex objects with overlapping transition blends that do not have rock solid continuity you will find it to be a lot more difficult then if you do. So even though Rhino makes the user do an enormous amount of unnecessary work to create true fillets it will pay off in the long run if you are building something very complicated.
Its easy to demonstrate the greatly superior continuity of true fillets.
Open this model: Offset_These_Surfaces.3dm (675.6 KB)
then window select all the surfaces and offset by 2 mm.
Then select the result and join it. Everything joins nicely.
Now try the same thing on the model you posted (123.3dm) . First explode it and then select and offset the individual surfaces by 2 mm,
What you will find is there are lots of places where your model has poor continuity and as a result when you try to join all the offset surfaces there will be many places where the surfaces won’t join.
Part of the problem in your model is there is a bug in offsetSrf and it can’t correctly produce a closed fillet offset in fillet loops that are one surface connected to itself even though the offset result has ends within tolerance they can’t be joined. But most of the edges that won’t join are due to the poor continuity of the fillets in your model
i guess you did not notice that i shared a rollingball solution either, if its a good one or not.
but back to “this” issue since you are fading away from it. we can repeat that another 100 times it will not cease the fact that you have your preferences as everybody else, just not everybody else is repeating that till infinity while telling everybody what they should do and what not.
I certainly did notice you used what is called " rolling ball" option in filletedge and I went on to demonstrate that is not as robust or accurate as the rolling ball surfaces you can get when you use filletSrf . Quality may not be important to you but other Rhino users might be interested in finding out what works better and what does not work as well.
this i leave for others to judge, i certainly do not present my works as the state of the art.
they sure do or at least they should if they want quality, but you think it needs somebody recruiting them into your way of working? i certainly do not hope that, but currently you dont leave much space for different interpretations with your persistent pleadings.