“I really wish I had a slider for entering values that can range from 0 to infinity” SAID NO ONE EVER. Making it easier(? an interface priority?) to make fillets of entirely arbitrary radii instead of specific values is I’m sure also really appealing to the sort of people who do fine filleting, they’re fine with specifying radii of 2-point-one-who cares-mm.
The buttons to adjust the scale of it don’t seem to actually do anything intuitive and are just a sign that it was a mistake.
If you want to do some sort of goofy gimmick to justify this command having a dialog box instead of the command line that was working fine, maybe you could have a place to select from a list of your “favorite” Radii.
you can double click the slider number box to enter a specific radii-
The scale boxes are nice for fine tuning the look if you enter a specific radii and want to fiddle it a bit visually, but understand if you are hard numbers person that they will be less useful.
I always just double click, enter a value and call it a day-
if I’m searching for a shape, I’ll fiddle the slider a bit to play with the shape, then double click and add a specific radii that makes sense for the shape.