Fillet or chamfer 2d and automatically trim off corner?

Trying to figure this out… how can I fillet or chamfer a 2d object & have the corner automatically trimmed off, like how chamfering works in 3d?

Only thing I’m finding is that is creates the fillet or chamfer as unconnected geometry. I’ve searched & tried a bunch of different things…



Then your _Fillet is probably set to command line option Trim=no

Furthermore there is also the _FilletCorners command

Hi - thanks -

Trim is definitely Yes.

FilletCorners returns “No kinks fount to fillet.”

i tried and it does not work, so it seems to be a bug, i can remember that it once did

edit: @Andrew_Turner i might have remembered it wrong, it very well could be that it does not fillet the surface but that it indeed just creates a curve to trim the surface then… sorry for the misleading thoughts.

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I think the OP is referring to a planar surface, not to a curve.
Don’t know if there’s something to do that …

Yes - a planar surface.

What is the Trim command for, then?

[edit] It appears to work on separate lines, but not two edges of the same surface (below)… still experimenting…
[edit 2] FilletCorners works, but we may not want to use the same radius or fillet all corners.


If you’re talking about the Trim option of the Fillet command, it’s to trim the curves by the fillet arc.
Fillet only works on curves (or surface edges), AFAIK.
Actually I only know about Rhino 6.
Don’t know what Rhino 7 or Rhino 8 WIP can do … sorry.

But you can certainly trim the surface using the Trim command:
you have to draw the fillet arc(s) first by the Fillet command and then Trim the surface with the fillet arcs. ( Same for Chamfer using the lines ).
It’s not a one-shot thing, though.

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:man_facepalming: I missed that. I believe @pascal made a script for it a while back, but I can’t seem to find it.

Well … I also used to use a couple of raw, old VBScript scripts for that. :neutral_face:

Here they are

sub main
ok=rhino.command("fillet t=n")
if not ok then exit sub
if li=pre then exit sub
rhino.selectobject li
rhino.command"trim u=y"
rhino.deleteobject li
end sub


sub main
ok=rhino.command("chamfer t=n")
if not ok then exit sub
if li=pre then exit sub
rhino.selectobject li
rhino.command"trim u=y"
rhino.deleteobject li
end sub


Looks like only the command name is different … :grin:


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Yep, here’s one - (9.1 KB)
Click near the corner. Also works on non-planar corners, I think.

To use the Python script use RunPythonScript, or a macro:

_-RunPythonScript "Full path to py file inside double-quotes"



Thanks Pascal - that works.

I didn’t get it to work on a non-planar corner, but for now that’s fine!