Chamfer all corners

Long Time no see! Hey everyone!
Just reconstructed everything nicely in Rhino and I want to chamfer all curves with a fixed aspect ratio (both lenghts are same) - which would be always my default setting, don’t know why chamfer is not designed like that (maybe an option for variable lenghts if somebody needs that)
Or does somebody know a script for this? - just type in the length maybe even a realtime feedback. fire, boom all closed curves chamfered with the same angle. Thank you! Hannes

Added to the heap, thanks.


@pascal thank you!!!

one alternative could be ( tricky, I know) using round corners and then, explode, select the fillets and change its degree to 1

Yeah - I tried this it works but it’s messy. You need to Rebuild to degree 1 and 2 points, not just change degree btw, in case the arcs are more than 90 degrees.

I’ll see if I can’t make a script that just does it…


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Well there is Curve.CreateFilletCornersCurve() … (1.2 KB)

I tested this a bit, it doesn’t warn you if you input a radius that’s bigger that half your smallest curve segment, and wierd things happen. Let me know if this doesn’t work for you

Edit: Shouldn’t read late at night chamfer != fillet

Hi all,
i was also bored by this missing feature , i created some scripts to solve this , it’s a bit tricky but work, only for V6.

Scripts work for Fillets and Chamfer, you can change the value on the fly , click “Done” once you satisfaied.

Limitation : if you type a too high value the script will give strange and funny result, but will not fail, just retype a lower value.

ChamferCorners.rvb (2.6 KB)
FilletCorners.rvb (2.6 KB)