Fillet surfaces issue

Hi, I can’t fillet the edge of this 2 surfaces. Is it because it ends in point and therefore even a smallest radius will not work?
(I cut the top to try on example 2 and it works). What could we do in a situation like this?

fillet.3dm (145.8 KB)

Make the fillet manually with FilletSrf.
See attached example
fillet_LZ.3dm (273.5 KB)

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Hello- you can get there by adding new handles and setting the end handle radii at each end to 0


Rhino still does not trim the fillet in, here, but it builds it correctly and you can explode the object and trim each surface back with the fillet edges.
Yes, I imagine it does not behave well here becuse the one input surface structure comes to a point.


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Thank you!

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Thank you! I have tried your way and Pascal way, but I don’t manage to trim or split. it says objects do not intersect.

When you trim, use the edge curves, not the fillet surface itself- You can DupEdge to get a curve object from the fillet edge and use that, or Ctrl-Shift click on an edge of the fillet, then , when that edge curve is seldcted, start Trim and click on the edge of the surface to trim away.


ok! yes, it makes sense! thanks!

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Pascal answered in the same way I would (dup edge or subselect edge to split).
Also, at the beginning, on the top and bottom I used Pull to project original surface’s edges on the fillet to maintain the external silouhette.

Thank you both!