Fillet mesh edge

Hi community,

I’m wondering if it’s possible to do the following in GH:

  1. Selecting an edge (orange in the picture)
  2. ‘filleting’ it by adding extra edge loops (the Fillet component seem to only work for Brep)
  3. this either rounds the mesh edges or just adds additional loops

I’m trying to extrude from the naked edges of the top face to make the side walls (so offset, but without the bottom face).

This is a common operation in Blender. Perhaps there’s a different name in GH?

Many Thanks!


Is it at all possible to do this in GH? I don’t know how to code it up right now but, this to me seems like a very important thing to do with mesh

I found this other post showing such result as well Rhino 6 - FilletEdge is rather buggy - #7 by Andrew_Nowicki

I believe filleting the edges of mesh is indeed a real technology Rhino has. Perhaps it’s named differently?

bevel mesh (23.6 KB)

There is a possibility.
I wonder if it is possible to use topology tool to designate specific edges.

When you thicken mesh shell, you do want bevel the boundary edges to get the control of the crease of the Subd. I hope one can find a solution.


Thanks very much for your help Quan!

I tried WB’s bevel too as well but, as you pointed out, inability to select edges, and also it literally being a bevel (unlike Blenders’ ability to change the curvature of the fillet) are important limitations.

Rhino’s tutorials recommend using three points per corner profile. Doing this is a lot harder if one must create them ‘manually’ as part of the mesh, rather than something we could apply after getting the shape down (e.g. as a modifier like in Blender, which we can remove)