Best way to fillet these edges all around?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to fillet these edges all around, but I’m not finding a method that really works.
What would be the best way to do this?


Notice how the edges are in the corners:



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Hi there.
By default I can’t even select the edges after entering the FilletEdge command.
And if I click “FaceEdges” I can select the faces but not the required edges.

I think your model needs to be solid for FilletEdgeto work? Isn’t it a closed polysurface?
Can you upload the file for me to check out?

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Sorry, it’s my first time using Rhino in a decade or so! :stuck_out_tongue:
What do you mean “closed”? Like Non-Manifold?
Can you give me some pointers about how to make the model closed/non-manifol?

Sadly this is a proprietary model and I can’t share it.

More like watertight.

I you have individually selectable surfaces than you can select them all and Join them to get a polysurface. Whether it’s a solid depends on how precise your seams are.
You can also use ShowEdges to display naked and non-manifold edges.

Looks like one of the Daft Punk helmets to me. :wink:

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Awesome! Thanks a lot, diff-arch. Joining the required meshes made it possible to fillet all the necessary edges! :smiley:

Have a great day!

(An exaggerated fillet to show it worked)

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Hey @diff-arch I have some difficulties and I think you can help me.

While FilletEdge works most of the time, there are some corners that it just can’t seem to deal with so nicely. Like these:

I’ve set them to a low level just to test:

However, on these more complex corners this happens:

Any tips?


I would suggest to rebuild the bottom face of the helmet so it is one piece and not a polysurface. Then big fillets before small fillets.

Hi Martin. I’m unable to rebuild it for some reason.
It was created using “Blend Surface” + “ChainEdges” on the exterior edges of the helmet (on the interior it was a single selection).

By rebuilding I actually meant you should delete the surfaces and sweep a clean surface all around. Then extend the inside and outside a bit and trim both with the sweep and vice versa. If you want, you can post a file with just the bottom 2 centimeters and I’ll show you.

Hey @martinsiegrist, I’ve checked and I have permission to share the entire file with you, privately.
I’ll send you a message in a bit.

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So I deleted the existing bottom surface of that part and extended the individual surfaces so I was able to do a clean cut with a slightly curved surface. Then joined everything into a closed polysurface.



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Amazing! Thank you so much! :muscle: :smiley: