How to fillet selected edges from thousands of an extruded geometry

I have this extruded part with several thousand edges. How do I add a working radius to just the outer edges? I tried displaying points on the edge curve but each point is a different number.

Also attaching the Grasshopper file.

Thanks in|attachment (15.8 KB) (15.8 KB)

bro has the audacity to fillet in grasshopper :skull:

I suggest:
1 identify features of these selected edges
2 use gh code to get index of these edges, by filtering all edges using feature found in 1
3 it’s filleting time!

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Sorry Im very new to this.

How can I go about identifying features of the edges?

Internalize geometry in your grasshopper file and re-upload it.


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@kev.r (22.7 KB)

If you mean the 2 longest edges along the outside of the brep, this should work. (30.3 KB)


Thanks a lot Kevin, but I am actually looking to fillet all of the edges that make the grille.
never knew its so hard to make fillets in GH :cold_sweat:

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Identifying the points of the inner edges is simple.

Unfortunately the filleting operation fails here with radius 0.005 in Grasshopper and also in Rhino.

It might work if you also add the edges in X direction but doing this in two steps makes filtering of the edges more complicated.

Here I just filleted the edges in X direction.

And here both the X direction edges and the edges on the holes in the initial surface are filleted with 0.005 mm radius:

I internalised the result and disabled the fillet edge components. It takes a while for them to compute. (12.9 MB)


oh wow! cant thank you enough @martinsiegrist !

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k, now make Rhino buttons so we don’t have to do this in GH :smile:

I’ve come again asking for help!

This time, I have a pattern of holes with variable radii, and I’m trying to add a variable fillet to each row of those. So all the larger holes should have one value and it tapers as you get to the smaller holes.

@martinsiegrist I managed to isolate the right edges using your earlier definition but now struggling to get the fillet to work.

Pl. help :cold_sweat:

Post your file and what radii you want on which holes.


I’ve rarely seen such dedication for fillets in GH :clap: :clap: :clap:


:man_facepalming:t3: (26.0 KB)
@martinsiegrist Dont want a set radius, ill have to play around.
@magicteddy Haha, I had no idea GH requires such complex logic for a simple fillet. Hopefully, they’ll add a fillet option in the extrude operator itself

@wagh.arnav you can make a selection with a cull pattern, like attached, but you will need a cleaner definition of your geometry to make this anything useful, since you can quickly run into troubles like these: (36.9 KB)


I have a feeling you want to fillet each row of holes with a different radius and to be able to do that you have to sort the holes first.

And then once again it takes a while to compute. You do not want to drag any of the six radius sliders. (50.7 KB)


Thanks this is a great quick way to make fillets!

@martinsiegrist wow, once again you blew my mind! thanks a lot for your help!


@wagh.arnav im a bit surprised you marked mine as solution. I think Martins’ is the more organized/controlled way to select the right items to fillet.
That being said, there is one more way to select the edges of the round holes, if they are closed curves, you could filter them based on that aspect.

My example was merely to show you one way to make a selection based criteria you set.