FBX import and Y-Up

Any chance we can get an option in the FBX importer to automatically rotate the model so that Z is up?

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Hi Nathan,
I’m aware that we can export FBX with Y-up. That is super helpful for our sideways Maya buddies.

But when getting FBXs back from them I always have to rotate the model back “the right way up”. On massive files this can take a while.

A similar check box in the FBX Importer that rotated the model on import would be handy.

I see. I read export while you clearly said import :]

Hi Andrew -

We’ve got that feature request on the list as RH-38175. I’ve added your voice to it.

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Hello All. I can see this feature request is still open, can I add my own voice to it please. Would be tremedously helpful to have a ‘Map Y to Rhino Z’ option on fbx import.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi John -
Your voice has been added.

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Please add me to the list of people who would like this. It’s super frustrating dealing with FBX files.

me too.

Hi -
From that YT report, it looks like this was implemented in the Rhino 8 WIP.

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