Extrusion problem with unfilled surfaces

This is a simple geometry that I extruded from a rectangular surface, but I get this problem where the faces aren’t completely filled. I tried checking for naked edges and changing mesh quality settings but to no avail. I’ve also tried recreating the solid by tracing the control points but it reproduces the same problem.

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Can you post the file?

object.3dm (2.0 MB)

Although you have set a local CPlane where you objects are, they are very far from the World origin. This is the cause of the bad display meshing. If you move them close to the world origin, the meshing will be better.

Also, as you are working in meters at 0.01 absolute tolerance and the width of some of your objects is only 0.03 meters, you are getting pretty close to the file tolerance, which is not a good idea. I would raise the file tolerance to 0.001.

Thank you, that solved the issue for me. One other thing- I did have a project I was working on for a number of hours with the previous setting, would I have to retrace all of my solid models or is there a quicker fix?

That’s a good question. In general, objects modeled in a file with looser tolerances will stay that way after tightening them. However, objects like your boxes (things with linear edges etc.) are types of structures that Rhino calculates as accurately as possible - more accurately than the file tolerance, so you may be OK. It will depend a little on how you made them in the first place.

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