Eto , Windows chart or oxyplot?

Can we use Windows form chart with Eto?
Or is it possible to use this tool oxyplot with Eto in Rhino?


Well, you should be able to use it with Rhino. What does “use with Eto” mean?

– Dale

For example , i create eto form with button,
And than i want add windows chart to the eto form.
And how we can use oxyplot with Rhino?

I doubt anyone here (at McNeel) knows much (if anything) about this. But let us know what you find.

– Dale

Thanks , i try to load it and i will test if i success to create a plot


This is my try without success

import clr
import Eto
import Eto.OxyPlot as plot
import OxyPlot as oxy
import Rhino.UI
import Eto.Drawing as drawing
import Eto.Forms as forms
import math

class SimpleEtoDialog(forms.Dialog):

    def __init__(self):
        self.Title = "Sample Eto Dialog"
        self.ClientSize = drawing.Size(400, 400)
        self.Padding = drawing.Padding(5)
        self.Resizable = False
        self.plotmodel = oxy.PlotModel()
        self.plotmodel.LegendBorder = oxy.OxyColors.Black
        self.plotmodel.LegendBackground = oxy.OxyColor.FromAColor(200, oxy.OxyColors.White)
        self.plotmodel.LegendPosition = oxy.LegendPosition.TopRight
        self.plotmodel.LegendPlacement = oxy.LegendPlacement.Outside
        self.plotmodel.LegendOrientation = oxy.LegendOrientation.Horizontal
        self.plotmodel.LegendTitle = "Legend"
        self.datapoints = []
        self.serie = oxy.Series.LineSeries()
        self.serie.StrokeThickness = 1
        self.serie.ItemsSource = self.datapoints
        self.view = self.plotmodel.PlotView
        layout = forms.DynamicLayout()
        layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5)
        self.Content = layout

        #self.Content = self.view
def TestSampleEtoDialog():
    dialog = SimpleEtoDialog()

if __name__ == "__main__":

I do use OxyPlot within a WPF app. But I don’t know much about using Eto with IronPython.

There are a couple of things I noticed. And I don’t know where to start…. First, do you want to program platform independent? If you stick to windows, just create a library with WPF windows/controls inside, make use of the Visual Studio Designer, and just reference and open your window from there. I’m not so sure if Oxyplot likes “dynamic” layouts, I had issues with that in the past. Always set the width and height of the plotview. If you don’t use MVVM, just directly assign points to a line series. Otherwise the collection must be an Observable collection instead of a List. You have not assigned a color to your series (…)

Anyway I won’t setup anything to actually test. I would advise not to use Eto and IronPython, at least if you don’t plan to distribute this as a plugin

Thanks Tom for explanation
I just learn and test if it’s really work wirh Ghpython, i don’t find any example with python or ironpython,
all examples available for c#, c++, html , android …etc
I tried windows chart and it work fine but eto more flexible and have better support in Rhino, if i find a way to use windows form chart with eto form this will be better.
I will try your suggestion maybe i will get something .

nb: When i print self.view i got None, and when i print self.plotmodel i got empty line

Ah yeah, I see you don’t initiate the Plotview. You just reference that from the plotmodel. But in there its null. Just call the constructor. And assign the plotmodel to it. The view comes first, and it requires a viewmodel (=plotmodel) to know how to operate.

Thats the problem with Eto and IronPython, it’s badly documented.

Can you try to include this code?

self.view = oxy.PlotView()
self.view.Width = 400
self.view.Height = 400
self.view.Model = self.plotmodel

Thanks but it is different here.
OxyPlot don’t have PlotView and PlotView don’t have anything like width, height …etc


No its in oxy not in oxy.PlotModel. Again read careful. There is a view and a view/plot model. The view is just the ‘look’, while the plotmodel contains all the logic. Have you tried to copy and paste the code from above at this location?

Yes but it is not available


That is strange, then you are missing a reference… Thats how I would do it in XAML


<oxy:PlotView Model="{Binding PlotModel}"                                                                   

You need that PlotView object. Maybe its in the Eto package?

I search and try many possibilities without success.
I don’t know if the developer miss something or it can’t work with ironpython

I just try i am not sure what is the right method to create it

I mean it makes sense. The Plotmodel is a general implementation. It works for any GUI toolkit. But the view itself is something which belongs to a given GUI framework, obviously. If you are using Eto, then you need to find the PlotView made for the Eto library.

Eto don’t have anything for chart, this is a dll from Eto.oxyplot, and the developer don’t share any tutorial or explanation how to use it

Have you tried to reference OxyPlot.WPF and OxyPlot.Core? You might also ship OxyPlot.Gtk for Mac user

In my bin folder there is a OxyPlot.dll and a OxyPlot.Wpf.dll.

Ahh you did, try this:

from Eto.OxyPlot.Wpf import PlotView

view = PlotView()