I want to implement a GUI for a python script in Rhino 7.
Ideally, it should contain some drop downs for option selection, and a bar / radar chart for the visualisation of calculation results. Is this possible with Eto.Forms?
Or is there any other library/package for GUIs I should be aware of?
How would my options for UI creation change if I switch to Rhino 8/ Python 3? Would I then be able to use dashboard libraries like Plotly Dash?
Not Python, but C#. Few already have used Oxyplot in combination with Eto with success. New possibility is live charts 2 which has intention to work also with eto - but it may not be mature enought at this point.
Thank you all so much for your very valuable tips! I wasnât aware of livecharts, looks like a very handy library. @anon39580149 I tested your example using livecharts and it works, great stuff!!