Errors in OSMshapes


I am using Gismo to generate shapes with osm data, but the OSMshapes component returned following errors:

  1. This component requires OSM data to be downloaded from It has just failed to do that. Try the following two fixes:
  1. Sometimes due to large number of requests, the component fails to download the OSM data even if website and their services are up and running.
    In this case, wait a couple of seconds and try rerunning the component.

  2. Try lowering the “radius_” input.

If each of two mentioned advices fails, open a new topic about this issue on: Discussion Forum - Grasshopper.

I never encountered any trouble accessing osm data in other applications like JOSM or QGIS, and I have already tried different sizes of the radius. Are there any other possible causes that induced this issue?

Thanks in advance!
