Equation Driven Curves

How do you do this in Rhino? Is it more of a Grasshopper thing?

E.G. F(x,y,z)
Fx = Acos(t)
Fy = Bsin(t)
Fz = C*t

Yes, that’s a general form of a helix and there’s a Rhino command for that. Its just an example.



Hi @scrappydog1958 ,

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import math

def create_helix(A, B, C, t_min, t_max, step):
    points = []
    t = t_min
    while t <= t_max:
        x = A * math.cos(t)
        y = B * math.sin(t)
        z = C * t
        points.append(rs.CreatePoint(x, y, z))
        t += step
    # Create the curve from the points

# Call the function with parameters
create_helix(A=5, B=5, C=1, t_min=0, t_max=10, step=0.1)

You can find the documentation here you can do pretty much anything Rhino - Rhino and Grasshopper Developer Documentation (rhino3d.com)



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thank you so much.


here is one way in Grasshopper.

Up to you to see what suits you most !

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