why does the display mode override not show all display modes?
I want to have multiple Technical styles with different line weigts and colors for highlighting.
Available overrides
All display styles
why does the display mode override not show all display modes?
I want to have multiple Technical styles with different line weigts and colors for highlighting.
Available overrides
All display styles
Hi -
Display modes that are based on the Technical display mode can’t be mixed with regular display modes. At some point in the future, there will only be one type of display modes…
What overrides?
Display modes that are based on the Technical display mode can’t be mixed with regular display modes.
In my case, it does not behave like that. I have Technical display mode set as global and I can set an object to wireframe, shaded, rendered, gohsted, Xray or Arctic.
So, a mix of technical and non-technical is possible.
My issue with technical is that I cant control line thickness for mesh edges. Is there any workaround for that?
Thank you
Hi Vojtech -
In technical display modes, there is one edge setting for all object types: