BUG - Wireframe in Technical Display Mode

While trying to assign a “Wireframe” Object Display mode to some objects inside a Technical Display mode I’ve noticed some odd behaviors: if I assign to an object a wireframe display mode (with SetObjectDisplayMode), unless the object is created and modified while being in a Technical pipeline Display mode, the wireframe-assigned ones disappear.
If the same file is closed and reopened, or if the geometry is exported to a new file and then opened, all wireframe-display objects are gone from the Technical mode view.

I’m using Rhino 8 SR12 on Windows.
Shaded mode:

Technical mode (customized with shadows - but the same happens in the default Technical mode):

Wireframe Display in tech mode.3dm (144.0 KB)
SystemInfo.txt (3.3 KB)

Hi Alessio -

That’s to be expected. Regular display modes and technical display modes do not mix. The plan is to merge the two display pipelines at some point, but until that happens, you’re bound to run into issues.

I know there are trade-offs and limitations with Technical mode (can’t be assigned to individual objects), but, for instance, it deals with (and, somehow, makes sense of) object-assigned rendered, shaded and ghosted:

And the display persists after modifications, close/reopen, etc.
I know it’s not ideal but it is something. The above are all based on the OpenGL pipeline, same as Wireframe, so it puzzles me why the edges in that case just disappear.