The model should be the smaller part at the bottom of this triangular thing – it’s not selectable, I can’t figure out what this is coming from either.
Can I send the file to someone privately?
I’m using Human’s Render Text to Screen component and I used Arctic view before, there is a similar (unanswered) thread with a different kind of display issue – I don’t know if it has to do anything with it.
Does that mean that the problem goes away when you are not using that?
You can upload private files to Rhino - Upload to Support - make sure to copy the address of this thread in the comments field.
It is not frozen, if I switch to Legacy OpenGL display mode, the model appears as it should again.
I can’t isolate if that is causing it, after restarting the computer and opening the file for the first time, it shows fine for a while, but as I start working in it, loading GH, etc., it just stops behaving well.
I use Metal display to model and navigate, and Legacy OpenGL to generate reports from LBT sunlight studies in this model, that’s why I’m switching between them all the time.
I have uploaded a Rhino model, this is my SystemInfo report:
Thanks for that model! It looks like those artifacts are somehow caused by a few mesh objects in the scene. I’ve filed this as RH-70557 Display Metal: Meshes cause display issue
Wim, sorry for not getting information to you. I am fielding two positions and my time is a bit compromised. However, last updated fixed this issue. You all have made my life much easier today. Thank you.
Looks like this display glitch (sharding) issue is back. The purple in this screen shot is the massive sharding that grows out of the model and completely freezes Rhino.