Just started using the Rhino 8 BETA on my Macbook Pro M1Pro and this quirk keep happening when I zoom in too close on detail views (see .gif). The dimensions shift over and don’t scale properly, or the detail view doesn’t scale properly, not sure which.
I have my Macbook hooked up to a 4K external monitor. When I change the resolution scaling of the monitor to 1920x1080 from 3008x1692 on the Mac system level the problem seems to be fixed. It also isn’t an issue when working on the Macbook’s built in display.
There probaly isn’t a setting I can change to fix this. I assume its just part of the BETA process.
I can’t tell from the picture if the dimensions are on the layout or in model space. Could you post a simple 3dm file?
Also, please run the Rhino SystemInfo command and copy-paste the result here.
Thanks for the response!
The dimensions are on the layout, not in model space. Dimensions in model space don’t seem to have this issue.
Attached is an EXAMPLE.3dm and the SystemInfo results.
Also, something I discovered when preparing these files, when the program window is scaled down this issue does not occur.
I am also on the official release now and it is still an issue.
One less than ideal fix I have found is to change the display scaling to 1920x1080 or 3840x2160 or to resize the Rhino window to be narrower until it works correctly.
A real fix would be better. I can’t really use Rhino 8 until this is resolved.
Sorry, I tried to find someone in-house with an Apple Silicon machine and an external 4K monitor back in September. It doesn’t look like I got anywhere with that.
@bobbyodbody , and @tobank - are you also running Rhino with an external monitor?
Yes - on the Rhino 8 official release now, and external monitor is my primary setup. I’m happy to model on the native laptop screen, but creating Layout views is pretty crucial to my workflow and needs the larger external monitor.
I can reproduce the behavior. If the display scaling is not native, or an even division, I see the dimensions shifting all over the place. For example, running the screen at its native 4096 x 2160 or half of that works as expected, but the others don’t. Is this something you can confirm @bobbyodbody@Luke_Lynch and @tobank ?
RH-79167 External display drawing drifts away from dimension
Yes this is what I have found as well. At 1920x1080 all icons and UI are too huge and at 4K everything is too small so I’m using the middle option Apple provides 3008x1692. The other 2 options, 3360x1890 and 2560x1440 also have the dimension issue.
I’ve also been having this problem. Views of Details in Layouts become stretched out of proportion when zoomed in. Also a Macbook Pro (Intel) with external 4k monitor.
I also have same problem.
Here is attached screenshot:
A. this supposed to be a circle but looks like an oval.
B. Elements near the viewport edge seems like linear wipe effect.
I just wanted to clarify and emphasize, everything inside Details on Layouts zooms out of proportion and jumpy. This makes v8 pretty much unusable. Switching my monitor 1920p or 3840p is not a good option.
This is an issue for me too - I’m on a 2020 iMac, extended with a Thunderbolt monitor beside it, when I drag the window to the Thunderbolt monitor, it’s fine, the problem doesn’t occur.
Also having the same issue on 2019 iMac. When zooming in on a layout sheet to dimension a detail somehow the line/edges I want to dimension are are offset/skewed from how they appear on the sheet.
I’ve just discovered that Make2D won’t work while I have my window dragged to my Thunderbolt monitor (from 2015). So my workaround is apparently Layout Drafting and Annotations need to be done on the thunderbolt monitor, and most other functions have to be done on the 2020 iMac.
I think Rhino 8 is telling me I need a new monitor.