Hello everyone,
I would like to project an image onto the surface of a body and cut it out of the body. In order to obtain the contours optimally, I would like to cut to different depths depending on the black and white values.
My previous approach was to use the image sampler to create a cylinder with different heights, i.e. high black value → high cylinder, then I created the cylinders into a single mesh in the hope of reducing computing time (purple code). I projected the result onto a body using the splop function, slightly shifted along the normal, if I then use the mesh difference component (connect the two blue groups), it takes a very long time to load, it worked with the giraffe, with other images the program has already crashed for me. I don’t like the result very much either. ImageZylinder.gh (618.7 KB)
Another approach I took was to create a mesh and then move the vertices accordingly using the output from the image sampler. I like the result much better visually. However, I now have a “deformed mesh surface” as a result. I think you actually need a solid for mesh difference. Also, with this method I have the background and not just the giraffe. ImageConstructMesh.gh (598.4 KB)
Does anyone have an idea what I could do better or an idea for an alternative approach. I would like to 3D print the body later in the hope that the image is recognizable.
and why not using a fine mesh with some displacement ?
And if you don’t want background you’ll have to have it all white or all black. Using a “good” image is essential.
Hi Laurent, thanks for your reply. Both forum posts you refer to do not use Grasshopper. It would be important for me to find a solution with Grasshopper in the end.
I’m not quite sure what you mean by fine mesh. Do you mean that the mesh is defined more precisely to get a better picture? That’s not what I’m interested in for now, it’s important to me that I can cut the image out of a body (like I did with the letters in the image).