Hello everyone ,
I currently want to subtract two objects.
But nothing happens, can you help me see what went wrong?
thank you.
Solid Difference 1|690x274 Solid Difference1.gh (196.0 KB) .
Hello everyone ,
I currently want to subtract two objects.
But nothing happens, can you help me see what went wrong?
thank you.
Solid Difference 1|690x274 Solid Difference1.gh (196.0 KB) .
What are you trying to do specifically? Is it to remove the main material where the rim overlaps it, or remove the rim where the main overlaps it?
What plugin is giving you the ‘curve middle’ component in your Grasshopper script? I can’t replicate your process because I don’t have that plugin installed.
Hi Dickielpch
No special plugins, all owned by rhino 6