I am attempting to follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CVBMFh0NXI which in essence is about bump map textures, and applying them to a sub object, in this case wrapping them around a cylinder exterior while keeping the rest of the object smooth, as in the case of a bike handlebar grip. I can implement the texture on a basic polysrf cylinder surface, but can’t seem to do it with a subD object. This could very well be because my subD game is not strong. I selected all the faces I wanted textured, but nothing happens when I turn texture on. Maybe I don’t know how to do a proper sub object selection, and ir maybe my SubD object is not structured correctly. Please advise, -Revel
handlebar.3dm (488.2 KB)
Hi @Revel_Woodard ,
This is working for me here in your model when opened in v8 on Mac or Windows.
Do you see a message in the command line history that says the mesh memory limit was hit?
Oh, hey you’re the guy who made that awesome tutorial! Thanks btw. Yes, It works for me when its just the shell too, but when I try to limit the texture to just the outside of the cylinder and not the sides / inside, the texture does not implement.
Hi @Revel_Woodard ,
You’re welcome!
Unfortunately, you can’t do displacements on SubD sub-objects, only NURBS sub-objects. We’ve got an open bug report for this written up as https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-56948 and I’ll bump the developer in the hopes it can be looked at. For now you have to use ToNURBS and then sub-object select the area within that polysrf to displace. There is an advantage to that method in that you can split the polysrf and rejoin it to introduce new edge seams for selection. The SubD, once we can use displacement on sub-objects, will be more limited to the face layout.
Ah ok! That explains it then. And you did mention this in your tutorial…So, were I to apply a texture to just the outside of that double walled pipe as you did, after converting it to a NURB, how do I go about that? I cannot seem to sub object select as you did (on a mac, command shift click). My primary concern here is getting it to weld to the remaining smooth surface as this is for a 3D print and I want to keep it water tight.
Hi @Revel_Woodard ,
Cmd+Shift+Click is the way to sub-object select just that outer surface, then you can turn on it’s displacement property. Make sure you are on the latest Rhino 8 if that is not working for you.
However, that outer wall once converted to NURBS with ToNURBS will not have an even control point structure making the texture compressed in the middle. I’d suggest first using ExtractSrf on it and then Rebuild to a density that will keep the deviation below the unit tolerance of the file… 50x50 will do it. Then Join that rebuilt srf back to your interior before the sub-object displacement. Finally ExtractRenderMesh to get your closed mesh for Stl export.
@BrianJ Excellent. Thank you for walking me through this.