Texture displacement

pls can any one help me to create texture displacement in rhino

Hi Ahmed -

Have you seen the help file topic for this feature? → https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/7/help/en-us/index.htm#properties/displacement.htm

i want to use this image for texture displacement

like this texture cup how is look like

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Duplicate topic, someone please merge it…

Texture displacement - Rhino / Rhino for Windows - McNeel Forum

it not a duplicate topic is on how to use texture displacement i am the one you posted those two topics

Yes, you posted the same problem / question twice didn’t you?

yh can you help me with this problem

I’m not sure. I don’t think a texture displacement is going to lead to a useful result.

I would model use flow along surface for this:

There are tons of tutorials available online

Hi -

When you read the help file, you’ll see that a displacement mesh gets created based on the white and black values of the texture map. That means that the map that you posted won’t result in something like the cup in your picture.
You’d need something more like this one:

But, as Martin writes, that’s probably not going to be very useful anyway.
You could take a look at some of the discussions about vases in the Grasshopper category.

thank you very much i use the image for the displacement and it work can i get more images like that for my texture displacement

you can create them yourself in rhino with showzbuffer on any random geometry you wish. put the resulting image into photoshop and tweak it a bit voila. here i arrayed a sphere in 2 axis. go crazy

can you make a video tutorial on that for me

this is the out come of the image i used for the texture displacement. but the surface of the texture is not smooth

Actually that was you, please do not create new topics , just reply to your previous thread.
Please search this forum before posting, your colleague just posted a similar topic few hours ago

I’ve merged those threads…

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can you teach me how to use showzbuffer in rhino

What’s not clear about its help topic? → https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/7/help/en-us/index.htm#commands/showzbuffer.htm

create some geometry which can be used, for instance a few spheres or a few cubes or anything which produces 3dimensional geometry, chose a view from where you would like to take the texture from for instance top view, then type the command ShowZBuffer into rhino and hit space or enter. the rendering will change representing a shading that corresponds with the depth of the scene. simply make a screenshot or use ViewCaptureToFile to create an image. in photoshop you have to cut the image so that it has an 1:1 ratio ideally but anything will work just see that if you want a repetitive image that the ends of each side coincide with the beginning of the other to create a continuos texture. in photoshop you can test it with the filter in filter > other > offset

I will be happy if you make a video tutorials on that I am merely beginner assist me with some video tutorials on that

i found a rather comprehensive little tutorial including how to create geometry for displacement, and finally using ShowZBuffer to create a depth map for exporting to use as a texture. skip to about 15.30 if you want to get to ShowZBuffer, he is using heightfield in the end to create the geometry from the texture but you can of course also use the same image to create a displacement.

have fun!

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